Testes Fidei (2) -Fr. Lucius (Konrad) Roth OSB, Prior

Born 19 February 1890 in Weichtungen, Bad Kissingen District, Germany
Death October 1950 in Pyongyang Prison, North Korea

Old post cards of St. Paul’s Abbey


The apple orchard, under the care of the Brothers, supplies the Abbey with fresh fruit and apple cider, which is sold through the Abbey Gift Shop.


St. Paul’s Minor Seminary where young men aspiring to the priesthood as Benedictine Monks of St. Paul’s Abbey attend their four years of high school.


From the greenhouse of our more than 20 acre nursery comes a variety of plants and shrubbery, which are grown and tended by the Brothers themselves.


One of the Monks makes a meditation along the shore of beautiful Lake St. Maur on the Abbey grounds. This is also the site of Camp St. Benedict and the Abbey picnic grounds.

2018 부활소식

2018 Easter Letter

Choose N’ Cut Christmas Trees – 2017